

Facelift Surgery in California – Restoring a Youthful Appearance

Aging is much more of a complicated process than people think. It’s caused by more than loosened, sagging skin that’s lost elasticity; our tissues, fat pads, muscle tone, and the plumpness of our skin all transform and shift over time. It’s no wonder that some anti-aging procedures are ineffective, or worse, certain facelift procedures can result in an unnatural-looking appearance or overly-tight skin.

Fortunately, expert plastic surgeon, Dr. Hershcovitch, knows how to address the root causes of aging and how to personalize each procedure for the patient’s unique needs. After years of training and exclusive focus on facial aesthetics, Dr. Hershcovitch has developed an approach for creating the most natural-looking results possible for each client. For one thing, Dr. Hershcovitch understands that a proper facelift requires addressing signs of aging on the neck, so every one of his facial procedures will most likely also include a neck lift. With his comprehensive approach, Dr. Hershcovitch simultaneously addresses both the upper neck, central neck, and lower neck along with signs of aging on the face.

Thanks to Dr. Hershcovitch’s comprehensive approach to rejuvenation, patients should see a naturally younger, firmer, and smoother face and neck area with results that last at 10-12 years.

Double Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

Our Facelift Technique

Dr. Hershcovitch meticulously plans each procedure so he can properly address the patient’s unique issues. He knows that not every patient needs to address every facial area, and he strives to address specific concerns and root causes to create the most dramatic, effective changes. Merely tightening the face can lead to unnatural-looking results, which is why Dr. Hershcovitch focuses on addressing the deeper tissues where aging is happening.

Having been extensively trained in facial plastic surgery procedures, Dr. Hershcovitch is versatile enough to offer a number of facelift techniques, like the deep plane technique and the SMAS technique. The SMAS technique manipulates the SMAS, a layer of connective tissue and muscle under the skin, to produce natural-looking lift and fullness on the face. A deep plane lift dives even deeper, releasing the deeper tissues from the musculature and reattaching them at a higher position.

Dr. Hershcovitch will also re-drape the tissues in a way that reduces incision tension—one of the biggest reasons why noticeable scars develop.

Ultimately, Dr. Hershcovitch believes in giving his patients a natural look within the context of safety. In addition to striving to create breathtaking outcomes, Dr. Hershcovitch also aims to decrease the length of incisions and allow for a reasonably fast recovery time.

Facelift Surgery In California

Your facelift will be performed in a high-end surgical center designed especially for cosmetic procedures, and you’ll be released on the same day as your surgery.

Who’s a Candidate for the Facelift?

Patients who experience advanced signs of aging on the face and neck are ideal candidates for the facelift. Those signs can inclue: 

  • Gaunt cheeks
  • Sagging skin on the cheeks
  • Jowls
  • Sagging skin on the neck
  • Marionette lines

A patient’s health is a bigger factor than their age when it comes to qualifying for plastic surgery, and Dr. Hershcovitch ensures that each patient is mentally and physically ready before considering their candidacy for the procedure.

Your Recovery from a Facelift

Dr. Hershcovitch’s patient cares goes beyond surgical procedures —in fact, Dr. Hershcovitch takes great care to monitor his patients during their recovery period. For each patient, Dr. Hershcovitch will put together detailed instructions made especially for your treatment. You will also follow a regular schedule of in-office visits so that Dr. Hershcovitch can monitor your progress in person. Dr. Hershcovitch will often check on patients up to a year after their facial procedure.

Your facelift surgery is personalized, as is your recovery. Different treatment techniques affect different levels of tissue, so the technique will affect the length of your recovery. Depending on the degree of correction and what specific technique Dr. Hershcovitch uses, your recovery from the facelift might take around 1-2 weeks to complete. Patients are advised to take at least a week off from work—maybe more if you have a physically demanding job.

Patients will experience some swelling, bruising, numbness, and tightness after their treatment. The majority of swelling and bruising should dissipate about a month after. To prevent swelling, patients should keep their head upright for at least the first few days of their recovery —even in their sleep.

You will be given a bandage and a headwrap to wear for 24-48 hours. After that, the headwrap can be exchanged for a soft band. You will return to our medical offices to have your sutures removed around 10 days after your facelift.

Schedule Your Facelift Consultation Today

This delicate, sophisticated procedure should be done by no one else than a highly trained facial plastic surgeon. If you want to learn more about a facelift in Burbank, contact the offices of facial specialist Dr. Hershcovitch now, for a consultation.

You can schedule your appointment by calling
Burbank: 818-206-2539.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Facelift

There’s no “right” age for facial surgery, although patients should have experienced sufficient signs of aging to qualify. The truth is, a patient’s health is a better indicator of whether they should seek treatment, rather than their age. Patients should also be emotionally mature and have realistic expectations as to what a facelift could give them.

Patients should always keep their head elevated during the first few days following surgery to prevent excessive swelling. Patients can use an incline pillow to help them sleep with their head upright. Patients should also avoid taking aspirin or ibuprofen after their facelift since these medications might cause excess bleeding. Patients should not operate a car while they’re on any prescription pain medication.

The length of your scars will depend on the amount of correction that you need, but Dr. Hershcovitch will place each incision around the natural contours and lines of the face so that they’re expertly hidden.

Patients should wait a week or two before attending social events. Your facelift scars might not be fully healed at that point, but because the incisions will be hidden they won’t be easily seen. Patients can also cover their incisions or bruises with makeup about a week or two after their procedure.

Showering too soon after your facelift might cause complications with your incisions, so it’s highly recommended that patients not shower for at least 72 hours after their facelift. Patients should also wait about two weeks before taking a bath or going swimming.