
How Long Does it Take for the Tip of the Nose to Heal in a Revision Rhinoplasty Procedure?

A rhinoplasty procedure or surgery focuses on reshaping the structure of the nose due to cosmetic or medical concerns. This nose-altering process changes the nose’s upper and lower structure, affecting the bone, skin, cartilage, and sometimes all three.


Dr. Matthew Herscovitch, M.D., is a double board-certified, fellowship-trained facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon specializing in rhinoplasty in Los Angeles. He regularly performs all types of rhinoplasty procedures, including tip revisions, to ensure patients end up with the aesthetic results they desire.

Read this to learn how long it takes the tip of the nose to heal after revision rhinoplasty.

What Is Tip Revision Rhinoplasty?

Sometimes, revision rhinoplasty is necessary to make additional changes or corrections to past patients. Revision rhinoplasty is also ideal for patients who develop complications or have unfavorable results. Because the nose job is one of the most sought-after cosmetic procedures in the country, many people have unrealistic expectations about their results, especially if they had revisions made to the tip of their nose. Sadly, not everyone ends up with their desired outcome after an initial rhinoplasty.

How Does Revision Rhinoplasty Correct Nose Tip Irregularities?

Revision rhinoplasty is highly effective at repairing cosmetic defects that impact the tip of the nose. However, it is a cosmetic procedure that requires a highly skilled plastic surgeon like Dr. Matthew Hershcovitch, M.D., to ensure the right outcome for patients. Tip rhinoplasty revision is an advanced type of nose job that is highly dependent on various factors, many of which Dr. Herscovitch discusses in detail with patients before they commit to the procedure.

Tip revisions include a variety of techniques that are designed to correct specific issues with the tip of the nose. Also, because men tend to have thicker skin on their noses than women, optimal results require Dr. Hershcovitch uses different styles to adjust the angle and size of their nasal tips, so the results complement their facial features.

To better understand the tip revision rhinoplasty process, patients must undergo a complete evaluation so Dr. Hershcovitch can determine the appropriate revision techniques necessary to optimize their outcome. In some cases, non-surgical or alternative rhinoplasty and cosmetic procedures may be recommended.

However, most patients interested in transforming their nose tips end up having one of the following types of nose tip revisions.

Open Approach Tip Plasty

Open tip or external tip rhinoplasty is essentially the equivalent of open surgery in the aspect that it’s more extensive than other nose jobs. It’s typically reserved for patients in need of alterations to their noses due to injuries and post-traumatic nasal deformities.

The procedure requires Dr. Hershcovitch makes incisions under the tip of the nose and inside the nose so he can make the necessary repairs while taking great care to preserve the cartilage and bony framework of the nose.

Closed Approach Tip Plasty

Closed tip plasty is the least invasive of the two techniques. It is often recommended for patients who require a small amount of work to achieve their desired results. The procedure involves the use of small incisions inside the nostrils to access the tissues, cartilage, and bony structures necessary to improve the shape, structure, and foundation of the nasal tip.

Some patients also receive dermal fillers to help flesh out and smooth out the contours of the nose to ensure nasal symmetry and style.

What Are Some Common Issues Tip Revision Rhinoplasty Corrects?

Tip Revision RhinoplastyRhinoplasty is a procedure that involves removing excess skin, cartilage, and other nasal tissues. As a result, patients have their dream noses with less nasal tissue than before. Each subsequent procedure removes additional tissues from the nose, which leaves certain areas thinner and more vulnerable to trauma.

It takes exceptional skill and expertise in all styles of rhinoplasty procedures and specialized facial anatomy knowledge to safely and accurately perform revision nose jobs to patients’ satisfaction. Below are the most common concerns involving the tip of the nose that revision rhinoplasty can fix.

Long or short nose tip corrections are recommended for those with deformities in their nasal bridges that cause their nose tips to sag or collapse. Saddle and collapsed nasal bridge are terms that are often used to describe this cosmetic concern. In order to correct the defects, Dr. H. revises the bony structures of the nose to either make it longer or shorter, depending on the desired outcome.

This type of tip revision normally includes some minor nasal bone fracturing and plays a significant role in how long it takes the tip of the nose to heal in revision rhinoplasty.

Pinched nose tip revisions are ideal for patients with thin nasal bridges that either make the tips of their noses appear much bigger or smaller than desired. Usually, pinched nasal tips are the outcome of previous surgeries that removed too much cartilage and tissue. Insufficient cartilage can cause the nostrils to collapse, contributing to the pinched tip.

Pinched tips are also a by-product of collapsed nostril walls and congenital nasal defects. To restore a more natural and balanced look and shape to the tip, Dr. Herscovitch adds cartilage to the lower lateral area to reinforce the nasal bridge and restore symmetry and volume to the tip.

Nasal tip bossae is a well-known complication of rhinoplasty that causes the tip of the nose to have a bulbous appearance and lack symmetry. Correction involves using open tip plasty to make incisions into the lower lateral area of the nose to surgically alter and reposition the dome of the nose (another name for the cartilage in the nasal tip) and reposition the tip to the desired position.

Other problems caused by previous cosmetic procedures include Alar Rim Retraction, Knuckling bossae, polly beaks, and poor nostril margin elevation. These cosmetic concerns are also linked to subsequent rhinoplasty procedures. Many of these concerns arise due to nasal structure weakness and excessive scar tissue that weakens the structure of the nasal valve and, in some cases, bridges.

What Is the Healing Time for Revision Nose Tip Rhinoplasty?

On average, nose tip plasty revision patients can resume many of their regular activities six weeks after their procedures. Although most of the swelling, bruising, and skin discoloration are far less noticeable, it does take much longer for the nasal tissues to settle down and results to finalize.

Patients will experience gradual but dramatic improvements in their nose and facial appearances during this time. The complete time it takes the nose to heal from a revision rhinoplasty is typically one year. However, it’s not unusual for some patients to completely heal and recover in less or more time.

To learn more about tip revision rhinoplasty, contact Dr. Matt Hershcovitch, M.D., double-board certified surgeon and director of Matt Hershcovitch, M.D., Facial Plastic Surgery!