
Mini Facelift vs. Neck Lift: Which is Better for Sagging Neck Skin?

Aging is, unfortunately, inevitable, and one of the most common signs of aging is sagging neck skin. Although it’s completely natural, sagging neck skin can affect your confidence and self-esteem, especially in social and professional circles. 

Whether you’re just starting to see some early signs of aging or struggling with more severe sagging, a plastic surgeon specializing in the mini facelift in CA can help.

Here’s an in-depth look into how effective a mini facelift and neck lift are for sagging neck skin.

Understanding Sagging Neck Skin:

Aging naturally causes the delicate skin under the chin and neck to lose elasticity due to collagen loss and a breakdown in skin proteins. As time passes, the skin becomes thinner, looser, and heavier. Many refer to their less defined jawline and crepey, wrinkled neck skin as a turkey neck which can also appear as a flap of excess skin.

While sagging neck skin is natural, certain activities and habits can cause it to worsen or occur prematurely. For example, excessive sun exposure and smoking can cause increased collagen and elasticity loss around the neck. The good news is that there are ways to reduce and eliminate sagging neck skin, like with a neck lift or a mini facelift in Burbank, CA.

The Mini Facelift

A mini facelift is a simpler, less invasive version of the traditional facelift that lifts loose skin on the neck and lower portions of the face. On the other hand, a facelift primarily addresses issues concerning the entire facial area. The mini facelift requires fewer incisions, less invasive techniques, causes minimal scarring, and less healing time.

Although the mini facelift addresses sagging around the jowls and neck, it’s not suitable for everyone. Individuals with advanced signs of aging tend to achieve more benefits and desired results with a complete or traditional facelift. The mini facelift is ideal for previous facelift patients looking to touch up their appearance. Aging is a continuous process that never stops. The mini facelift is safe for older patients looking to remove baggy skin on their necks and jowls.

The recovery time is much shorter than a traditional facelift, so it’s important to keep in mind that the results are not as long-lasting as a classic facelift. The results of a complete facelift often last 10-15 years or longer, while the results of a mini facelift usually last several years or longer. Each patient’s outcome and longevity results vary but can be enhanced with a healthy lifestyle, dietary habits, and nonsurgical cosmetic treatments.

Neck Lift

Mini faceliftBoth the mini and full facelifts are excellent solutions for those unhappy with the signs of aging along the face and jowls. However, after a complete facelift, some individuals still have sagging, droopy jowls, and excess neck skin. Fortunately, these patients often benefit tremendously from a neck lift.

A neck lift (called a lower rhytidectomy) specifically targets sagging skin along the jawline and neck. These two areas are only sometimes correctable with a mini or traditional facelift alone. The neck lift explicitly targets the excess skin and muscles of the neck, creating a more defined jawline. 

The results of a full facelift, like a neck lift, generally last upwards of 10 years. The recovery timeline for both procedures is similar, with many patients returning to their routine and activities within two weeks.

While a neck lift only addresses a certain area of the facial area, primarily the neck, many cosmetic treatments, and alternative procedures can be safely combined to provide patients with optimal results.

Factors to Consider

It may seem advantageous for some to undergo a mini facelift to correct their aesthetic concerns and for others to opt for a neck lift. However, it’s always best to consult a board-certified facelift or neck lift surgeon in CA to learn the most suitable option to facilitate the desired outcome.

The first factor to think about is how much sagging skin you have. Think about what you want the outcome to be. Do you want (or need) a dramatic change, or would you be happy with something less drastic? If you are just beginning to see signs of aging along your jowls and neckline, a mini facelift might be all you need. However, if you’ve had sagging skin for years, you might need a more comprehensive neck lift, a facelift, or an alternative procedure/treatment to achieve your desired look.

You should also consider your long-term goals and priorities. The mini facelift is a good choice for a short-term fix before undergoing a full face and neck lift. Or if you want something that will last more than a decade, a neck lift may be better. It’s important to discuss these goals and considerations with your facelift or neck lift surgeon in CA.

Consider your goals and preferences, and weigh them against the possible benefits and risks.

Choosing the Right Procedure

After considering all these options, you might have a good idea of which procedure you want. However, make sure to discuss all your options with a plastic surgeon. They will listen to your goals and preferences but consider your medical history, lifestyle, and overall well-being. 

Your physical health could affect each procedure’s potential risks and recovery time. So talk to your doctor about your medical history and current medications. Other factors include the treatment cost and recovery time. Schedule a consultation and keep an open mind, and be ready to discuss the benefits and risks of each neck rejuvenation option.


If you have sagging neck skin, know that you have options. While a mini facelift or a neck lift might be some of the more popular choices, remember that you can opt for non-surgical proceduresor even combine a neck and facelift.