
How to Determine the Perfect Age for a Facelift

Have you become increasingly unhappy with the effects of aging on your face? If you have sagging skin, loss of volume, excess fat under your chin, and deep wrinkles, you may be a candidate for a facelift. However, many people have difficulty deciding if a facelift should be considered now or if they should hold off as long as possible so that the procedure will not have to be repeated down the road. Is there really a perfect age for a facelift? The answer to this question is very subjective and is highly dependent on the individual. Dr. Hershcovitch’s facelift patients are generally between the ages of 45 and 60, though he has started to see an increase in patients over the age of 60. However, the right time for a facelift always comes down to personal factors. Here are some questions to ask yourself that will help you answer the question for your unique situation.

What Are My Signs of Aging?

It’s important to narrow down the factors that are really bothering you about your face before you decide to have a facelift. Is it simple loss of volume you want to address? Is your main concern excess skin or fat deposits under your chin? Are sagging, hooded, or wrinkled eyes your cause of concern? In some cases, less invasive or extensive options can be used to give you the results you want. For example, dermal fillers can restore the loss of volume, Kybella can address under-chin fat, and a forehead lift could rejuvenate the eye area. Often, Dr. Hershcovitch will use a combination of these techniques to perform a liquid or mini facelift if a full facelift is not necessary. These treatments can help you delay a full facelift for years into the future and have very satisfying results.

How Healthy Am I?

A facelift is a surgery that involves anesthesia and a fair amount of recovery time. While healing is not an issue for healthy individuals, it can be difficult for those who live unhealthy lifestyles, are dealing with an illness or disease, or who use substances or medications that could impair the healing process. If you are obese, smoke, or are going through treatment for an illness, it’s usually advisable to wait until you have lost weight, quit smoking, or concluded treatment before considering a facelift. During your consultation, the doctor will thoroughly examine your health history to make sure you are a suitable candidate for the surgery.

How Active is my Lifestyle?

The full recovery from a facelift usually takes a few months, though most patients are able to resume the majority of their normal activities within a week or two. However, for active adults who are taking care of young children, have demanding jobs, or who have other pressing responsibilities, this amount of downtime can often pose a problem. If you can’t take a few weeks off to rest, recover, and take care of yourself, you might need to hold off on surgery until your lifestyle becomes more conducive to recovery.

Can I Afford It?

Facelift surgeries are not inexpensive and in almost all cases, they are not covered by insurance. Though there are some financing options available, those who are not in a financial position where they can cover the cost of a facelift might want to choose less expensive procedures or wait until they can save the money to pay for the surgery. Though a facelift can be a life-changing procedure that rejuvenates your self-confidence and restores your sense of vitality, going into major debt to have it done is never advisable.

Scheduling Your Facelift Consultation with Dr. Hershcovitch

If you are on the fence about whether it’s a perfect time or not for a facelift, scheduling a consultation with Dr. Hershcovitch can help you make a decision. During your consultation, he will examine your face and health history, ask questions about your goals for the surgery, and learn more about your lifestyle and situation. The doctor will never recommend a facelift surgery to someone who is not in the right place in their lives for such a procedure and will always tell you if a different type of treatment or procedure can produce the results you want. Talking with the doctor can help you clarify whether or not a facelift is right for you and help you make the best decision.