What Does Thick Skin Mean for Your Rhinoplasty Results?
Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, is one of the most complicated procedures a plastic surgeon can perform. Due to the variety of nasal tissues and structures and the varying results desired by the patient, rhinoplasty must be performed by an experienced and talented surgeon such as Dr. Hershcovitch. Among the many factors that can make a rhinoplasty procedure more complicated, thick skin is one of the most common and can often cause complications if the surgeon performing the surgery is not familiar with how this affects the procedure. If you have thick skin, here is what you need to know about what it will mean for your rhinoplasty results.
What Groups Tend to Have Thicker Skin?
Thicker skin is often associated with ethnic rhinoplasty. While most Caucasians have thin nasal skin, those of Hispanic, Asian, and African descent tend to have thicker skin in this area. When performing an ethnic rhinoplasty, the surgeon must be careful to maintain the ethnic identity and facial balance while still achieving the desired results. Surgeons who receive advanced training in ethnic and advanced rhinoplasty are the best options for those who have thicker skin. In addition to these ethnicities, men tend to have thicker and oilier skin than women.
The Challenges of Thick Skin
If you have thick nasal skin, you may wonder how this applies to your rhinoplasty. In short, the skin forms a sort of blanket over the skin, cartilage, and bone that make up the shape of your nose. If that blanket is thicker, it can mask the underlying features and make the nose appear to have less definition. If this is not addressed during rhinoplasty, the underlying changes that are made to the nose may not be as visible. In addition, the weight of thicker skin can also pull the tip of the nose down, and an experienced surgeon will recognize this as the cause and address it during surgery. The final consideration for those with thicker skin is how it affects the healing process. Not only does thicker skin have more of a tendency to scar, but it also takes longer for swelling to subside.
During a rhinoplasty procedure, the changes made to the bone and cartilage can ultimately weaken the structural integrity of the nose. While this is usually not an issue for those with thinner skin, it can pose a problem for those with heavier, thicker skin. If not taken into consideration, this could cause an issue with future respiration and can also pose a problem if the patient ever wants to get other surgeries performed on their nose.
Of course, having thicker skin on the nose also has its benefits. Thicker skin can hide more imperfections than thinner skin, so some with this skin type can avoid surgery altogether if they have minor bumps or hollows. Thicker, oiler skin also tends to age slower than thinner, drier skin, and can often tolerate the sun with less visible damage.
Performing Rhinoplasty on Those with Thicker Skin
When Dr. Hershcovitch performs rhinoplasty on those with thicker skin, he always makes sure to thoroughly explain the procedure and its possible complications during the consultation. He explains what their thicker skin could mean for their results and also addresses any ethnic concerns that apply. He tells patients that their recovery time may be longer due to their skin type and that they may not see full results for up to 18 months after surgery as it can often take this amount of time for their swelling to entirely dissipate. The doctor will also explain how he intends to preserve the structural integrity of the nose and how this also may affect their final results.
Scheduling Your Rhinoplasty Consultation with Dr. Hershcovitch
If you have thick skin or are of Asian, African, or Hispanic descent and are considering rhinoplasty, it’s imperative that you choose a surgeon such as Dr. Hershcovitch to perform your procedure. When you meet with Dr. Hershcovitch, he will fully explain the surgery as well as the special considerations that will be taken for your unique situation. At this time, you can ask any questions and find out the full extent of your recovery time.
When you work with an experienced professional like Dr. Hershcovitch, you can be assured that your rhinoplasty will be a success no matter what type of skin you have. Schedule your consultation today!